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Frequently Asked Questions

Key Dates

The 2020 Education Foundations Empowered Survey will actively solicit responses from September 14, 2020 through November 12, 2020, and the final report will be issued in the fall of 2020, with presentations on findings ongoing into 2021. 

Those completing the survey by November 12, 2020 will be invited to attend a VIP session to be the first to review the data.

What are the benefits of participation?

For those completing the survey by October 15, 2020, survey participants (TEFN nor NSFA membership not required) receive a complimentary copy of the report finding, an exclusive VIP invitation to a future webinar focusing on the data findings and will be entered into a drawing to win a $100 Amazon card--there will be 5 winners so don't delay! Additionally, for all survey participants the report findings will help partners supporting education foundations better understand members’ needs for future development of trainings and professional development materials.


Due to the participation of the National School Foundations Association (NSFA), a drawing for one of five additional $100 Amazon card has been added for those completing the survey by November 12, 2020. (Membership to TEFN nor NSFA is not required) to be entered into the drawing. 

What information will I need to complete the survey?

Most participants refer to the following documents:

Average fundraising goals, donations received (previous and current)
Programs supported

Last filed 990

Board practice (policies, procedures)

Covid response

I read it can take up to 20-30 minutes to complete the survey. May I complete the survey in multiple settings?

The survey platform utilized is SurveyMonkey and participants can complete the survey in multiple settings. To execute this properly, the participant must SAVE the last completed page before closing and exiting out of the survey. If the participant closes the survey when they are in the middle of the page/survey, the answers will NOT be saved.

What incentives are there to complete the survey?

Completed surveys submitted by October 15, 2020 will be entered into a drawing to win a $100 Amazon gift card - a total of five $100 Amazon gift cards will be given! Additionally, all participants of the survey will be invited to a virtual VIP gathering that will unveil survey results and data trends.

Due to the participation of the National School Foundations Association (NSFA), a drawing for one of five additional $100 Amazon card has been added for those completing the survey by November 12, 2020. (Membership to TEFN nor NSFA is not required) to be entered into the drawing. 

What is the source of the data represented in the report?

The data from the report is gathered through this annual survey; it is not pulled from IRS filings or other sources. As a result, the strength of the report and ability to benchmark depends on your participation. The sample size of respondents is a significant factor to accurately represent the sector as a whole - your participation in the Education Foundation survey is needed--the greater the participation, the greater the insights for the sector.

How many questions are there?

The maximum number of questions is 104, but that includes all questions. Depending on responses and the skip logic associated, the number of questions may be less.

Who will be compiling data?

Foundation Innovation, LLC.

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